Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
One of our Internal Outreach focus areas is around our children and education areas. As a community of Christ, Shepherd of the Hills takes the responsibility to teach the children and youth about the Gospel Message by studies but also through actions including dedicating financial Sunday school offerings, participating in caring for the needs of others. The congregation as a whole dedicates time and effort toward the education and development of our children. We rely on members of all ages, from different facets of life’s journey to teach our children and youth.
- Confirmation Leaders & Helpers
- High School Youth Leaders & Chaperones
- Vacation Bible School Volunteers
- Children’s Church
- Sunday School Teachers
- Kids’ Night Out Adult & Youth Volunteers
- Childcare
Sunday School
- Our goal is to have four adult or teen teachers per classroom to allow for rotating lesson planning duties and weekends off.
- We are blessed to have a total of 42 volunteers serving in our Sunday school program and nine volunteers serving in Children’s Church.
We thank all of our teachers and helpers for accepting God’s call to serve in this important ministry area
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