Matthew 28:19-20 – “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Shishitony Lutheran Parish
Our global partner church is Shishitony Lutheran Parish, a group of six fast growing congregations, located near Mt. Meru & Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. In recent years, we have provided resources for their children’s ministries, provided famine relief, and helped repair and reroof their main sanctuary after storm damage.
They were worshiping in a building made out of sticks and mud, they were in desperate need of a permanent church building. When we visited in 2006, we spent a day with the people of Iding’are, making cement blocks by hand, in preparation for the new church. But on our 2010 visit, the partly built church was in ruins, the walls had collapsed. Two years later, they were still in the building made of sticks. The people had gotten so discouraged, they gave up trying to rebuild. It was then that Shepherd of the Hills made the commitment to help them get a fresh start, and build the new church. We committed to provide all of the materials, as well as the cost of a trained engineer – a total budget of about $30,000. It took awhile, all the work was done by volunteers, and droughts and other troubles slowed things down, but in 2016 the church is completed.
Through our partnership with Simple Hope, a group of women were given the supplies and taught to can fruits and vegetables, so that the harvest could be preserved for use during the drying season. Three years later, they have built a dedicated, sanitary facility for doing their canning, complete with solar power. They have developed unique products for the local markets (banana – ginger preserves, onion relish, and so much more). With their profits, they’ve expanded, buying a bread oven and slicer, so they are able to bring sliced bread to an area where it was unavailable. The women were truly empowered and joyful and grateful for this opportunity to improve their lives
In January 2019 Pastor Afrael Mmafie replaced Pastor Aminiel as head pastor for Shishitony Parish and its 3 additional preaching points. He communicated via “WhatsApp” that SOTH benevolence gift of $5000, sent in December 2019, will continue to sponsor 2 evangelists and a parish worker for further education, as well as provide education sponsorships for girls. The small study/library for Shishitony Parish is nearing completion. Seven children were confirmed at the Mianzini preaching point church, which SOTHfunding helped build in 2018. They cherish our daily prayers as they work to spread the Good News in the difficult living conditions and terrain of the Eastern slopes of Mt. Meru.
2020 Report Written by Pastor Afrael Mmafie: “Thank you my dear friends in Shepherd of the Hills. What we know is our God will protect you all in his right hand from that enemy COVID19. Be safe in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We at Shishtony are still well, and we are continuing to Pray for you all. Last year, two of your sponsors completed their form four exams and performed well, and selected to join form five education. 1. Anna Wilbert Mbise – Lusanga secondary School at Morogoro Region. 2. Hevenlight Nicolaos Mafie – Bunda Secondary School at Mara Region. That is the good news from your sponsors. God bless you at Shepherd of the Hills. We are still requesting you to continue for those girls and others who are still at our secondary schools. Secondly, Evangelist Sebastian is continuing with his school program for next year. Parish worker Glory is in last Examination preparation at Mshikamano. Lastly your stationery project is in starting point. Next year 2021 if our God wishes we want to start to build the Parish office at Shishtony congregation. Our Lord Jesus Christ protect you all in his Holy Blood.”
October 23, 2016 – Dedication of the new church at Iting’are, Meru Diocese, Tanzania. After almost four years, this cooperative project with Shepherd of the Hills is complete!