Serenity Inn

Serenity Inn

About Serenity inn


The mission of the Serenity Inn ministry is to deliver a meal to the men, staff and guests at Serenity Inn at least once a month. A nutritious meal is prepared by members of the church and delivered by church members to the Inn who participate in dinner fellowship with as many as 12 men living in this residential treatment center for drug and alcohol abuse.


How we support Serenity Inn

Shepherd of the Hills serve on the first Wednesday of every month for a dinner fellowship and prayer with the residents at the Serenity Inn home.  Members of our congregation volunteer to prepare portions of the fellowship dinner that is delivered to the residents by those visiting for the evening.  The Inn is always in need of household items.  Anyone can, and all are encouraged to visit. Those under 16 should be accompanied by a parent/ guardian. Parents that are in search of a new way to communicate the dangers of addiction are encouraged to attend dinner fellowship with their children. Also, those that need help in dealing with a friend or family member struggling with addiction are encouraged to attend to help them gain understanding and insight as to how they can best help someone that may need but does not desire recovery.

what to expect while visiting Serenity inn

Before dinner is served, everyone gathers for prayer.  During the meal, a question is asked of the guests. You are encouraged to participate in the dinner fellowship discussion, however, if you desire not to participate that is entirely up to you. Upon completion of the dinner, the residents will do all the clean-up, the washing of dishes and delivering all the returning items to the car(s). Visitors are invited to mingle with the residents until it is time to leave.


“When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink. When I was a stranger, you welcomed me, and when I was naked, you gave me clothes to wear. When I was sick, you took care of me, and when I was in jail, you visited me.” Matthew 25:35-36