Outdoor worship and church picnic

Outdoor worship and church picnic

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Please welcome your friends and extended family to join us at our annual Outdoor Worship Service June 28, 2015 at 10:30 am in our outdoor pavilion with a delicious potluck picnic/cookout to follow.outdoor worship 012a.448x200

After lunch we will have several outdoor, picnic-style games. Adults, parents and children from elementary school age up through high school and college are encouraged to join in the fun! We’d love to have enough youth for a tug-of-war match! We hope that you can join us! You won’t want to miss out on the action!

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Bring your favorite lawn game for fellowship and fun with your church friends!


This is one of the congregation’s favorite worship-related events of the entire year, so we look forward to seeing you and your guests there!

All Are Welcome!