Holy Baptism is commanded by Christ, as one of God’s means of delivering to us His saving grace. In baptism, we receive forgiveness of sins, the Holy Spirit, and the promise of eternal life. We encourage babies, children and adults to receive this gift of God, which marks the entry point into a life-long relationship with God. At Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Richfield, we baptize infants through adults as God’s act, God’s initiative and God’s gift, not the result of human work or decision.
What We Believe: The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
In Baptism God…
- Puts His Name, Father – Son- Holy Spirit, on us, bring us into His family (Matthew 28:19)
- Washes away our sins (Acts 22:16)
- Causes us to be born anew (John 3:3, 5)
What should I do if I want my child, or myself to be baptized?
• All Baptisms are done during a regular worship service. Since baptism is how God brings us into the Christian Family, it is always done when the family gathers and that is at worship.
• Baptisms are regularly scheduled at the 10:30 service for approximately 10 Sundays a year. We will also schedule Baptisms on a custom basis for most 8:30 services,
• Contact Sue in the church office at 262-628-2633 or sothrichfield@gmail.com to schedule a Baptism. You will also need to meet with the Pastor for a 30 minute Baptism Orientation, which Sue can schedule as well.