God at Work
God at Work has 12 members and averages 8-9 at most meetings. Many are current or former business leaders, although that is not a pre-requisite. The primary objective through ongoing bible studies is to gain a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ and apply His teachings and wisdom through behavior, actions and words in our daily lives. In addition, from time to time we offer support to each other on business matters or personal concerns with Christian support and guidance. We open and close our discussions with prayer and invite the Holy Spirit to be present and to guide us. An example of a study is one on the book of Luke which consists of a study guide, interactive videos along with discussion in the form of questions and answers. our meetings and associated discussions are generally interesting and informative. We have room for new members but may need to form a new parallel group if our numbers get much larger.
Matt 9:37-38 “Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.”