First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. – Romans 1:8
I love those words that Paul sends to the Church in Rome. It speaks of the warmth and regard he had for the group of men and women who made up that church at the center of the empire. Because of the way God had blessed them, they were uniquely positioned to be a blessing to the world.
Over the years, Sandy and Jerry have done this devotional ministry and provided a blessing in the same way. Because of the way the digital world has evolved, they have been able to provide this ministry in a unique way. They’ve been able to share faith and the Gospel of Jesus in a way that is fresh in this time.
As you know, Sandy has decided it is time for her to retire from this ministry and I want to take the opportunity to say thank you to both her and Jerry. It has been a real blessing to have them share thoughts and prayers in this way. I hope and pray that God continues to bless her in this next stage of her ministry.
Right now, we are going to give this devotion a sabbath. We may bring it back in the future but as of this moment, we haven’t made any decisions. I am glad to know that your faith has been enriched and I am glad this has been working in your life through this medium.
I pray that our God continues to pour out His wisdom and grace on you,
Pastor Mike Matzek
Shepherd of the Hills
June 28th, 2021