

confirmation picture

Confirmation in the Lutheran Church is a public profession of faith, also called “affirmation of baptism” since it is when a person confirms the baptismal vows that were given on his/her behalf by their sponsors at the time of their baptism.

Baptism usually takes place when a person is about 14. When a person has reached an age of cognizance they can study what it means to be a Lutheran and then stand before the congregation and say: I am now old enough to speak for myself and I CONFIRM that the doctrines that the Lutheran Church professes are what I also believe.


Confirmation is also the method that the church uses to allow ADULTS who come into the Lutheran Church, as a new Christian to demonstrate their understanding of what it means to be “a Lutheran.”

When adults are baptized into the Lutheran Church, baptism and confirmation are “the same thing” because the adult is speaking for him/herself during baptism.

Shepherd of the Hills not only instructs youth about what it means to be a “Lutheran” but it connects middle school youth in the Richfield, Hubertus, Slinger, Hartford, Germantown, Menomonee Falls areas and provides them a firm foundation to live and serve as a Christian through the XPerience Confirmation Ministry. For More information on XPerience click here