Church Relations Board

Church Relations Board



The Church Relations Board (CRB) is responsible and accountable to the Council of Shepherds. The CRB works closely with the Pastor and leaders of the church.

The CRB is similar to a human resources department within the business environment. It works with employees, new hires, and conducts interviews for replacement employees and for new positions when those are developed. In the event that there are individual congregant issues, the CRB will also work to ameliorate such issues between the parties. All of our activities are conducted under strict privacy given the potential for confidentialities needing to be protected.

Each CRB member is assigned as a go-to person for at least one staff member at SOTH. The CRB representative is to meet quarterly with the staff person to see how things are going for the employee, to see if anything can be done to improve communication or clarification of expectations between the employee and supervisor or to be a sounding board for the employee for any perceived issues facing them. Those relationships are designed to provide a free flow of information between the parties in a less formal, but still confidential, environment than a regularly scheduled CRB meeting.

The SOTH Nominating Committee selects nominees for open CRB positions and the nominees are on the slate for each Annual Meeting and elected to a two-year term with the possibility of serving for an additional two-year term. The prospective new CRB members are unknown to the CRB until selected by the Nominating Committee to provide further diversity of thought amongst CRB members. This process of selecting new members is designed to renew and refresh the group while maintaining the continuity that fosters longer-term undertakings.

The Vice President of the Council of Shepherds is an ex officio member of the CRB to provide a vital link between these two groups.

The President and Vice President of the Council of Shepherds and the Chairperson of CRB are the Pastors performance appraisal team.