Audio/Video Techs & Set up

Audio/Video Techs & Set up

AV Volunteers.398x200




Audio and Video (A/V) Technicians are a vital part of Shepherd of the Hills worship experience.

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Those trained in audio manage how we hear diverse sources of sound coming from the many microphones, monitors and speakers through the sound board. They are trained to know how to adjust the sound for different groups, events and situations that come up. They also record the sermons that are used on the web-site and made into CDs.

Those who operate the Worship Computer create and display the slides on the large projector for the order of service, song words and announcements. Having the words on the slides makes it easier for people to see and to participate during the service. The screen has also been used for presentations, meetings and films.


Link to AV Booth Start Up Instructions


soundboard-300x225Link to Computer Sound Board Instructions